English Springer Spaniel
Group: Gundog
Size: Medium
Lifespan: 10-14 years
Exercise: High
Grooming: High
Trainability:Very high
Area of Origin: England
Date of Origin: 1800s
Other Names: None
Original Function: Bird flushing and retrieving
The English Springer Spaniel is a land spaniel (versus water spaniel) whose primary function was to "spring" game from thick brush for sportsmen. It descends from Spanish dogs, hence the name "spaniel"; these dogs being brought to Britain as early as 1570. It is the oldest of the spaniel breeds and is considered the forefather of all other land spaniels with the exception of the Clumber. Despite its long history, the breed was not officially recognised until 1902 in England, although it was exhibited there since the 1850s under the name Norfolk Spaniel.
The English Springer Spaniel is energetic and friendly. An intelligent dog breed, the English Springer Spaniel is easy to train.
As an energetic and inquisitive dog, the Springer needs daily mental and physical exertion. Hunting is the first choice to satisfy both needs, but an outing in the field, long walk on leash and good obedience lesson can go far to making the Springer a calm and well-behaved house dog. This breed does best if allowed to live in the house with access to a yard. Its coat needs brushing or combing one or two times weekly plus clipping and scissoring every three months. Springers from field lines, rather than show lines, tend to have less coat.
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Breed information sourced from: https://www.dogsnz.org.nz
Images sourced from Google Images.
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