
Cocker Spaniel

Group: Gundog
Size: Medium
Lifespan: 13-15 years
Exercise: Medium
Grooming: High
Trainability: High
Area of Origin: England
Date of Origin: 1800s
Other Names: English Cocker Spaniel
Original Function: Flushing and retrieving game

One of the oldest Spaniel Breeds, stemming from the same taproot as all of the modern land Spaniels, the Cocker Spaniel was originally bred to find and flush woodcock and continues to be an equally enthusiastic and capable hunting companion to this day. In addition a successful obedience and agility competitor, show dog and most importantly a loyal family companion.

A big hearted little dog whose merry temperament is legendary. This temperament lends itself to a sensible training regime; Cockers respond relatively quickly, they DO NOT, however, respond to harsh training methods. Cockers love long walks, swimming, children, chasing balls, cuddles, rides in the car, good food (don’t over do it) and toys, they dislike teasing, taunting, rough handling, being untidy and unkempt.

The Cocker Spaniels beautiful silky coat with long feathered ears, chest, belly, legs and pants does require regular attention, a regular 6-8 week visit to a professional groomer is recommended. Comb him at least once a week, special care is required around the ear canal keeping this area free from of hair to assist ventilation. Don’t feel you have let the side down if by having your Cocker completely clipped off for summer its much cooler for him and makes swimming much more pleasurable. A Cocker Spaniel requires a moderate amount of exercise although he would probably run all day a “fetch the ball” work out or a walk in the park or on the beach will generally satisfy his requirements.



Owner Testimonial

Do you have a Cocker Spaniel? We’d love to hear your thoughts on the breed! Please contact us with a brief summary of your dog along with a photo for your chance to be featured.

Breed information sourced from: https://www.dogsnz.org.nz
Images sourced from Google Images.
No copyright infringement intended.