Canine Contacts
Here you will find contact details for a variety of canine courses and clubs.
Why are clubs and trainings so important?
“When you see a dog doing what he was bred to do, harkening back to his ancestors whispering into their ears, telling them exactly how they should perform the task....well, it can make you weep.
EVERY dog needs a job, a purpose to validate them. A job that makes them stand proud and causes his tail to wag and his heart to smile.
Dogs were bred to work alongside humans, and they consider that a high calling.....along with educating us.....
And if one does not have sheep for a Collie or rabbits for a Beagle, or rats for a Terrier, there are still other functions for them to perform within their households. Our job is to find that activity, introduce it to the dog, and enjoy the companionship.”
- Michelle Steigmeyer, Indiana K9 Learning Center ”
Basic Training
A common misconception is that dog training is only about teaching dogs obedience commands. This is far from the truth.
Training classes not only give you the tools to train your new family member, they give you an understanding on how dogs communicate, think and what their behaviour means.
Regardless of your dogs breed or age, training is a vital part of dog ownership and is an ongoing process.
Training classes provide a unique and invaluable opportunity, to train in a controlled environment with real-life distractions.
We recommend all owners attend a beginners class, it’s a brilliant way to bond with your dog and the mental stimulation and structure is fantastic for forming positive neurological pathways.
At A Pawfect Match we recommend Christchurch-based dog owners attend Level 1 foundation training classes at either Rolly Canine or Elite Canine Collective.
Dog Clubs
Joining a dog club provides a great opportunity for you to mix with other dog lovers and show off your dog's skills and attributes. There are many different types of dog clubs located around New Zealand for you to belong to from all breed clubs to specific breed clubs, service, special interest and training clubs. Clubs provide a great opportunity to bond with your dog and to teach them new skills.
Agility is an active dog sport, Handlers train their dog to correctly negotiate a variety of different pieces of equipment from jumps and tunnels to weave poles and contact equipment. All types of dogs and people can give it a go, from children to grandparents, from Chihuahuas to German Shepherds.
Basic obedience is fantastic tool for a well-rounded canine. Basic obedience training includes teaching your dog:
Teaching the dog to come on command
Teaching the dog to sit on command
Teaching the dog to walk on or off lead with the handler
Teaching the dog not to stray on command
Teaching the dog not to be aggressive to humans, other dogs or other animals.
Canine Good Citizen
The Purina Pro Plan Canine Good Citizen Test is a certification program that tests dogs in simulated everyday situations in a relaxed atmosphere. The purpose of the CGC Test is to ensure that your dog can be a respected member of the community because it is trained and conditioned to act with good manners in the home, in public, and in the presence of other dogs
CGC training is fun and useful. Through it, you and your dog will establish a closer bond and your dog will have the added benefit of knowing how to please you.
Scent Work, based on the task of working detection dogs, is a positive, challenging activity that allows dogs to use their strongest natural sense in a way that is fun and engaging. Because it is an exercise that requires the dog to locate an odour and communicate this to the handler, it also establishes a building of trust between dog and handler.
DOC Aversion Training
If you’re planning on taking your dog on remote nature walks around NZ, it’s a good idea to look into the Department of Conservations Avian Aversion Training. Avian awareness and aversion training helps to avoid native birds getting killed and disturbed. It's also a requirement in some areas that have kiwi and other ground-dwelling birds.