“Before you get a dog, you can’t quite imagine what living with one might be like; afterward, you can’t imagine living any other way.”

— Caroline Knapp

Browse Breeds

Browse our extensive list of specific dog breeds including information on recommended breeders and owner testimonials

Common Crossbreeds

Crossbreed dogs such as ‘Labradoodles’ (Labrador and Poodle cross), ‘Spoodles’ (Cocker Spaniel and Poodle cross) and ‘Pomskys (Pomeranian and Siberian Husky cross) are becoming increasingly popular. They can make wonderful family pets, but too many people are buying them purely because they like the way that they look,  or because they have a quirky sounding name. However, this doesn’t always mean that the dog will be a good fit for your lifestyle.

It is important to remember that a crossbreed is not as predictable as a purebred dog. You don’t know which characteristics it will inherit from each of its parents. In the case of the Labradoodle, this may mean that you get a puppy with a fleece, hair or wool coat or with a curly or a straight coat, depending on what they inherit from the Poodle and the Labrador. Similarly, if you choose a crossbreed that is a mix of two breeds that are very different you cannot be sure which will come through.

There have been an increasing number of health concerns about crossbreeds, not least because too many irresponsible breeders are cashing in on the crossbreed craze and selling the myth that crossbreeds are automatically healthier, so they don’t need to health test their dogs. This is not true. Whilst crossbreeds have a wider gene pool than pedigree dogs, any dog can become ill and it is important that you buy from a responsible breeder. If you buy a crossbreed we always reccomend you check the health test results for both of the parents in the same way as you should for a pedigree dog.

Here is an interesting article to read if you are considering adding a cross-breed dog to your home.
Don’t forget, many cross-breed dogs end up in shelters, so please consider checking out your local rescue to see if you can adopt a dog suitable for your lifestyle prior to purchasing,